We started Five cups as a mission project. First, it is about trying something new, and second, about sharing with people.
That’s why we do and going to do everything to follow the dream of building a place of curiosity, exploration, and community built around coffee.
In our selections, we have roasters-residents, who we love at full and dream to be able to offer always. Though this list also will be changing over time.
However, our requirements for the major selection are quite strict. This means we could miss something interesting to experience together with you.
To solve this dilemma we have created “The explorer”. A special project within Five cups focuses on the alternative selection to extend the experience. Within the Explorer, you would find more risky choices we made with an eye to enriching the experience with the still high-quality coffee.
To make it explicit: The explorer is not a trade-off in quality, it is a different framing of roasting styles and tastes.
When we just invented the format, seems like Sergii, who is our source, already knew where he’d like to go. Here is his comment:
“For the first Explorer, I made a choice towards the country I’m not indifferent to. Greece.
First of all, my mom shared some Greek roots with me when gave me birth. My grandma and my mom were Greek.
Second, I was assuming Greece’s coffee roasting style among other southern countries was affected more by the initial coffee expansion from Ethiopia in the 15th century. Italy, Spain, Greece, and Portugal earlier than others inherited that bitter taste.
So reasonably to consider Greece’s third-wave specialty coffee is also inheriting some history.
My gut feeling hasn’t deceived me. In the coffee roasted by Athens-based Sapid, you feel hidden threads lead you to the second wave of coffee. At the same time, you have no reasons to be worried, it is professionally sourced, high-quality roasted coffee with an extremely good balance and bright flavors hidden among the lines.
This coffee differs from our main catalog. But anyone who loves balanced coffee without high acidity, we assume, would enjoy it.
It behaves well in the majority of brewing methods: Aeropress, v60, french press, and batch brew.
In our first Explorer, you may find 11 positions including 3 extra rare micro-lots packed by 50 grams.
Enjoy and please consider sharing your experience!
Your 5 cups team.